Bernadette Gabay Dyer
Stone Woman
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A collection of short stories and new poems by a singular, mature, multi-talented, unique voice, equally compelling in prose, poetry and oral storytelling whose reputation has grown considerably in the Caribbean, Canada, the US and the UK.
"Bernadette Dyer is a folk singer of the Caribbean and a weaver of fantastic, moral and spellbinding tales. Her words induct and seduce, instruct and soothe. Elementary in style, but philosophical in subject, she be Miss Lou at song and Aesop at the story telling. To open her books is to be enlightened, and one closes them knowing one has been refreshed and improved."
-George Elliott Clarke, internationally renowned poet, Parliamentary Poet Laureate of Canada
"...a wonderful collection of stories that have common universal themes in a multicultural context. The themes of love, identity, tradition versus modern beliefs are woven well in stories... with unpredictable endings."
- Karen Lemmons, Goodreads book reviewer
"...a beautiful piece of literary art. Richly written, Dyer takes the reader on an historical trip through World war I and the Holocaust. She eases the reader from one cultural experience to the next with ease and grace. With each page the reader is captivated ... If you are in to quality, no nonsense fiction...Bernadette Gabay Dyer is your writer."
-T. Rhythm Knight, Apoo Bookclub
" Bernadette Gabay Dyer ...brings a unique voice influenced by the Caribbean experience and sStorytelling tradition to the Canadian Diaspora in ways that unite cultures and foster insight and understanding."
-Nicole Lyn, Actress & Celebrity
"The sometimes whimsical, sometimes mystical. sometimes nostalgic, always poignant collection of short stories is definitely more than "fair". Bernadette Dyer skillfully navigates the immigrant experience, which is the common thread that weaves its way through this great collection. Its colourful characters grab hold of your heart, and leave you wanting more. ...Ms. Dyer's voice is obviously steeped in memory, passion, and a rich and diverse family history. which act as jumping off points for her vivid imaginings, which shares with us in brilliant detail. A definitive MUST read for short story lovers."
-Cheryl Philips, author, book reviewer
"Bernadette Gabay Dyer has made her indelible mark on Canadian letters with her novels, stories and poems as well as a storyteller. ..Her literary work reveals her commitment to exposing world rooted in her unforgettable Caribbean heritage. She is truly a writer dedicated to continuous exploration of new narrative strategies and new themes that harness the power of seeing the world through different and caring eyes. Regardless of genre, she is, above all, a masterful storyteller."
Olive Senior, Award-Winning Author, of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, children's books.