Josie Di Sciascia-Andrews
“Courageous...bold...disturbing...a timely and important new addition of original poems to the reputation of an established poetic voice”
Josie Di Sciascio-Andrews characterizes her new book of poems, as follows
“Metaphorically carcinogenic, viral corruption threatens the world in an era of surveillance, monopolizing oligarchies and moral decay.
From an unexpected diagnosis, to the loss of a precious mother, to greed endangering our ecosystem, Metastasis guides us poetically through a dark, heartless underworld of invisible machinations.
Like Virgil leading Dante through the circles of Hell, it shines a light upon the rot of both the physical and spiritual disease spreading endemic aided by artificial intelligence’s net trap. As above, so below, there is a weird energy tearing everything asunder
Through the revelatory power of writing, philosophical ponderings and snippets of scientific data, this book illuminates us with emergent concepts never before tackled in a poetry collection, not in Canada and nowhere else.”
Josie Di Sciascio-Andrews is a poet, author, teacher and also host & coordinator of the Oakville Literary Cafe Series She has published four books of poetry and her most recent book of poems, A Jar of Fireflies, was published by Mosaic Press and received wide critical acclaim. Her poems have been anthologized widely including in The Malahat Review, Descant, Canadian Voices, Volumes 1 and 2, The Canada Cuba Literary Alliance: she has won numerous literary awards; she has also authored two non-fiction books, In the Name of Hockey and How the Italians Created Canada. She lives in Oakville, Ontario.Poems
Pub. Date July 8th 2021
Available at your local bookseller or order from Mosaic Press /IPG(US)/ Gazelle Book
Services(UK/EU) / Manda Group(Canada)
6 X 9 inches
124 pages
Price: $21.95 CDN $17.95 USD
ISBN PB: 9781771615365
PDF: 9781771615372
EPUB: 9781771615389
KINDLE: 9781771615396