John Wing
The Last Coherent Thing | John Wing
"John Wing has an astute eye for the painful yet subtle ironies of the world. He captures those moments that leave their enigmatic scars on our souls, and he does so with craft, power, and poetic precisions."
- Bruce Meyer
"These poems will change you as they have me. many images will stay with you long after you have put the book down."
- Robert Hilles, Governor General's Award Winner
"I drink from my hat to these poems. They load me down, make me ripe."
- Phil Hall, Governor General's Award Winner and Trillium Award Winner
John Wing has published nine previous books of poems. This tenth collection, his first in six years, is arguably his best! It is rich in quality, in thematic potency, self-reflection and literary magic! It is powerfully personal and has a deeply sensitive intimacy. John Wing's cumulative poetry works now command considerable recognition and admiration! This book is a must read!
The Last Coherent Thing chronicles the death of his father, the moving away of his adult children, his own aging and medical issues, a nostalgic tour of this romanticized youth, and his hope for the days ahead. Starting in Los Angeles, sweeping back and forth across the continent and the years, and ending in Whale Lake, Nova Scotia, the Poet rediscovers his optimism in an untrammelled landscape.
John Wing Jr. has been a standup comedian for four decades, appearing hundreds of time on television, including six times on The Tonight Show, ten times at the Juste Pour Rire Comedy Festival in Montreal, he reached the semifinals on America's Got Talent, has spent innumerable seasons on cruise ships, has been a frequent performer on CBC Radio's acclaimed series The Debaters, was the creator and star of the CBC Radio sitcom Man, Woman & Child, he now has his own podcast The Bad Piano Player. He is a Canadian born in Sarnia and lives in Sunland California. You can always find him on Twitter and Instagram as @JohnWing5.
Pub. Date: October 7th 2021
Available at your local bookseller or order from Mosaic Press /IPG(US)/ Gazelle Book Services(UK/EU) / Manda Group(Canada)
5.5 X 8.5 inches
90 pages
Price: $21.95 CDN $17.95 USD
ISBN PB: 9781771615686
PDF: 9781771615693
EPUB: 9781771615709
KINDLE: 9781771615716