Keith McLeod, Marcel Danesi, Sonia Morris
Heritage Languages and Education - The Canadian Experience
After more than two decades of heritage language education, Canada now stands at the forefront of language education in the elementary school system. In 1971, the Canadian Parliament approved a policy on multiculturalism. That policy continues to be a tangible symbol of Canada’s commitment to a society that not only tolerates linguistic and cultural diversity, but strives to preserve, develop and institutionalize it.
Essays in this volume are well written by experts in their fields. The research on and the pedagogical experience with heritage language education has shown that heritage language training in the elementary school system tends to faciliate, rather than hinder, the acquisition of literacy and communicative fluency in the dominant languages. It tends to enhance the child’s cognitive development and academic performance. It promotes a favourable outlook on one’s enthnocultural background and on the cultural differences of others.
This volume is of importance to educators, teachers, parents, researchers, and anybody interested in language, culture and learning.
Edited by Sonia Morris, University of Saskatchewan; Keith McLeod, University of Toronto; Marcel Danesi, University of Toronto