Koichi Shinohara & Gregory Schopen
From Benares to Beijing : Essays on Buddhism and Chinese Religion
From Benares to Beijing brings together thirteen essays by leading scholars of Chinese and Indian civilization from Europe, North America and Asia. The essays cover a wide range of covering a wide range of topics in Indian and Chinese culture and religion and offer fresh insights into the study of the Asian traditions.
Essays include “A Biographical Sketch and Bibliography of his Published Work Professor Jan Yun-Hua”, “Buddhaghosa’s Penance and Siddhasena’s Crime”, “Taoist Thought in the Kuan-tzu” and “Monks and the Relic Cult in the Mahaparinibbanasutta.”
Koichi Shinohara teaches in the Department of Religious Studies at Yale University. He is the coauthor of Speaking of Monks: Religious Biography in India and China and the coeditor of Images in Asian Religions: Texts and Contexts and Sins and Sinners: Perspectives from Asian Religions.
Gregory Schopen is a member of the Center For Asian Studies at the University of Texas.