Terence H. Young
Death By Prescription
Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston get the headlines, but there are thousands of other people who suffer and die because of the wrong prescription. Death by Prescription is one harrowing story about a father, a family, a daughter. After fifteen years of Vanessa taking Prepulsid to alleviate a stomach disorder, suddenly, unexpectedly, she collapsed and died in her family home. Confusion, grief, and remorse are channeled by Terence Young into determination to get to the root causes of his daughter’s death. His investigations take him from Health Canada to the Corner’s Office, from the salespeople of major drug manufacturers to the medical profession, from the legal profession to the courts. This is a compelling story, a remarkably well-written and fully documented book that takes you into the inner workings of the global drug companies, the intricate relationships between the pharmaceutical industries and the regulatory bodies of government, the complicity of the medical profession, and the tragic consequences for the public.
Terence Young is the founder and chair of Drug Safety Canada, a research and public advocacy organization based in Oakville. He has been active in issues related to prescription drug safety since 2000, after losing his fifteen-year-old daughter Vanessa to the Johnson & Johnson prescription drug Prepulsid. Terence’s presentations make an impact wherever he appears, including University of British Columbia, University of Toronto, the Rotman School of Business, and various community groups. He has been quoted in media interviews and has appeared on TVO, CBC, and CBC radio.