Tony Aspler
COVID Unmasked - A Survivor's Guide
"The book that Amazon refused to publish"
A humorous booklet about COVID-19...Why? Because
humor is our best ally in the fight against
adversity. A smile is a shaft of light and we need
smiles to lighten the dark days ... We are not giving in
to the Beast. We are surviving. I hope that the
following words will bring a smile to your face and
make you forget for a moment the world’s anxiety and
loss. Be safe and flourish (and treat yourself to a glass
of wine).
“To write about wine with love, warmth, knowledge
and sense of humor. Enjoy” Bonnie Stern
“Only a handful of writers...combine authoritative
knowledge...with an easy-reading style.”,
Ed McCarthy, Wine for Dummies
Tony Aspler has written over twenty books mostly
about wine but fiction, as well. He is also known as
the wine guy “with an enormous international
reputation as a wine expert.".
He defines himself as “...a
wine evangelist, not a critic! He was provoked to write
Covid Unmasked – A Survivor’s Guide by his
close friend and colleague, Gordon Pape. Here,
readers will discover Tony’s warm special writing
style, his soft humour, his narrative and anecdotal
talents which have been widely praised .