Mosaic Press
Beached Whales
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Stedmond Pardy’s first book of poems The Pleasures of this Planet Aren’t Enough was published by Mosaic Press in 2020 and it launched his career as a boundary-pushing literary and poetic voice. Beached Whales, Stedmond Pardy's new book, has pushed his poetic voice even further.
THIS JUST IN...Stedmond Pardy shortlisted for the League of Canadian Poets Spoken Word Award
Praise for Beached Whales...
“From Atlantis to Brazil — en route to the future — Stedmond Pardy strikes again with poems of mythic proportions and resonances converging myth with visions of a world uncoerced by capital, urging wakefulness to the challenges of our time. Pardy’s poems embolden by speaking nakedly to your soul.”
— Adebe DeRango-Adem, author of Vox Humana
Stedmond lives by his own dicta: “An artist is an instrument through which the Universe reveals itself and word poetry is for every man, but soul poetry, alas, is not heavily distributed.”
STEDMOND PARDY is a self-educated, left-handed poet of mixed ancestry (Newfoundland and St. Kitts/Nevis). Originally from the Mimico area of Toronto, he now resides in Dionysus knows where…He has performed his work around the Greater Toronto Area and has appeared on stages in Montreal and Washington State.