Winfried Weiss
A Nazi Childhood
“This book is shocking…”
Doris Lessing, The Guardian
“This moving and unique memoir is highly recommended.”
Kirkus Reviews
A Nazi Childhood is a disturbing and intimate portrait of Germany and the Third Reich from the recaptured perspective of a highly-perceptive child. A censored version of this memoir was first published in 1983. This is the posthumous, complete, uncensored story.
As the war rages on, young Winfried’s feelings of security and normalcy within his family and country dissolve into fear and confusion. His father, an SS officer, disappears… Germany crumbles… the American occupation begins.
Born in Germany in 1937, Winfried Weiss emigrated to the United States in 1956. He taught German and Comparative Literature at California State University at Hayward where he earned a significant literary and scholaraly reputation. He died of AIDS in 1991.
Weiss is also the author of Stations, a powerful story of love, loss and AIDS. Published by Mosaic Press.