B.W. Powe
A Climate Charged - Essays on Canadian Writers - McLuhan, Frye, Layton, Cohen, Laurence, Atwood, Davies, Richler
“The most exciting book of the year for me…”
Douglas Fisher, Toronto Sun
“…a restless, well-read and creative intellect.”
Carole Corbeil, Globe & Mail
“Powe’s is the most vigorous and provocative book of criticism we’ve had in a long time…There is not an essay in the book that falls below the highest standard.”
Louis Dudek, Ottawa Citizen
“…a knight-errant of a new sensibility in Canadian writing.”
Paul Wilson, Books in Canada
“A storehouse of edgy and obsessive perceptions…”
Ken Adachi, Toronto Star
“…the biggest explosion of sophisticated common sense Canadian culture has experienced in decades…”
C.J. Fox, England
A Climate Charged is a courageous book. In a series of essays, B.W. Powe takes on the major literary, critical and artistic figures who have shaped the contemporary literature of Canada – McLuhan, Frye, Layton, Cohen, Laurence, Atwood, DAvies and Richler. What emerges is provocative, at times outrageous, but most of all thoughtful. This collection of essays should not be ignored. It has a point of view which is certain to stimulate debate.
B.W. Powe was born in Ottawa, Ontario in 1955. He received his B.A. from York University and his M.A. from the University of Toronto. He first started publishing at the age of sixteen and his essays, reviews, stories and polemics have appeared in journals and magazines in the United States in Canada, including The Antigonish Review, Bennington Review, Boston Monthly, Modern Drama, Blast 3, and others. He currently lives in Toronto where he writes full-time and is completing a nove